Saturday, August 31, 2019

Report Writing, Household Waste Management Essay

Acknowledgements The team would like to convey its sincere gratitude to the youth members of Shimultala who participated as interviewers in the survey. Thanks are also extended to the Councilor Mr. A.K. Azad, members of the Local Project Management Committee and the people of Shimultala for their hospitality and support. Executive Summary: Being one of the third world developing countries, Bangladesh is still in the process of development of a sustainable and effective waste management system throughout the country. Though the scale of consumption of food, energy and other resources & products in Bangladesh is much less than any developed countries, waste management here is still poor due to lack of adequate knowledge amongst the people about how negatively this wastes can impact on peoples’ health, environment and aesthetic. The generation of waste here is increasing parallel with the growth of the country’s economy and infrastructure since waste generation is closely linked to population, urbanization and affluence. Human beings produce a variety of waste, which can be classified into two broad groups: organic and inorganic. Organic waste is biodegradable and generally decomposes fairly rapidly, while inorganic waste decomposes much more slowly. In Bangladesh like other developing countries with increasing population, prosperity and urbanization, it remains a major challenge for municipalities to collect, recycle, treat and dispose of increasing quantities of both organic and inorganic wastes. To determine how this report could assist in the management of waste, the team decided to carry out a survey in the Shimultola area to figure out what types of waste are being produced and how they are handled. A survey questionnaire was formulated for this purpose and a survey was carried out by the members of the team along with a small group of young people of Shimultola. The survey was carried out on a sample size of 159 household in the area out of which only 143 participated in the survey. Some heads of households were reluctant to take part in the survey for the following reasons: disagreement with the involvement of the youth as survey interviewers, refusal to disclose information about how they handle their waste, and the belief that waste management with the project is unnecessary because the people already  know what to do but are simply unorganized and irresponsible. Based on the evaluation of available data, the report recommends establishing a suitable location for every little area, which will serve as the communal dumpsite for non-recyclable inorganic waste. A feasible waste collection and disposal system should be established immediately. Waste separation should be encouraged and each waste type should be disposed of in an appropriate manner. The sale of recyclable material should be organized. Composting of organic waste should be encouraged. Existing waste management regulations and their enforcement should be reviewed and amended. A variety of awareness activities — targeting different age, gender and interest groups within the village — should be carried out to encourage proper and responsible disposal of waste. The general poor state of cleanliness and the continued use of open areas for dumping wastes are clear indications that the majority of the people are not convinced about the negative health and environmental impacts of improper waste disposal. In addition, although local regulations relating to waste disposal exist, they are simply not being enforced. In order to improve the situation, the people must make an effort to dispose of various types of waste in a responsible manner. The existing regulations should be reviewed and amended to improve monitoring and enforcement. A common dumpsite needs to be established, accompanied by a feasible collection and disposal system.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Morality & Ethics Essay

J. M. FINNIS: Rules made, in accordance with regulative legal rules, by a determinate and effective authority (itself identified and standard constituted as an institution by legal rules) for a ‘complete’ community, and buttressed by sanctions in accordance with the rule-guided stipulations of adjudicative institutions. [1] NATURALISTS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: A rational ordering of things which concern the common good, promulgated by whoever is charged with the care of the community. [2] SOCIOLOGISTS ROSCOE POUND: Law is more than a set of abstract norms, it is also a process of balancing conflicting interests and securing the satisfaction of the maximum wants with the minimum of friction. [3] WHAT IS MORALITY? No single definition can be offered to describe what morality is, but in general morality can be understood as a rule prescribing between what is wrong and what is wrong. It could also mean a value of the acceptable and unacceptable norm of a given society. Some reserve terms moral and immoral only for the realm of sexuality and use the words ethical and unethical instead of the word moral when discussing how the business and professional communities should behave towards their members or toward the public. [4] RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW AND MORALITY 1. The existence of unjust laws proves that morality and law are not identical and do not coincide. 2. The existence of laws that serve to defend basic values, law and morality can work together. 3. Laws can state what overt offenses count as wrong and punishable. 4. Laws govern conduct at least partly through fear of punishment. 5. Morality can influence the law in the sense that it can provide the reason for making whole groups of immoral elections illegal. 6. Law can be a public expression of morality which codifies in a public way the basic principles of conduct which a society accepts. [5] PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v MOHD ROMZAN BIN RAMLI[6] BRIEF EXPLANATION ON THE CASE: Mohd Romzan bin Ramli was charged under the offence of incest under the provision of section 376A of the Penal Code- a person is said to commit incest if he or she has sexual intercourse with another person whose relationship to him or her is such that he or she is prohibited, under the law, religion, custom or usage applicable to him or her, to marry that person; and was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and one stroke of rotan under section 376B(1)- punish with imprisonment between 6 to 20 years and whipping; of the same Code. The accused had committed the crime in between early January 2006 to 26th May 2006 in a room at his house in Kulai, Johor Bharu, Johor. To an 11-year old girl, Nurul Atikah bte Abdul Kadir, which is also his stepdaughter. In 2006, the girl was forced to undress by the accused and was disturbed sexually by him. He had done the disturbance to her several times. In addition, he threatened her not to tell anyone and had beaten her. Father of the victim, lodged a police report after he had noticed changes in his daughter after he had picked her from his ex-wife’s home. After medical check-ups were done by the doctor, the victim suffered from injuries in her private part and was treated by a psychologist. The accused pleaded guilty in front of the judge,Zawawi Salleh in the High Court of Johor Bharu, prosecuted by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Husmin Hussin (Johor, State Legal Advisor Office). However, his sentences was changed to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rotan, after the case was appealed to the High Court Of Johor Bharu from the Sessions Court Johor Bharu. The sentences were changed as it was unfair to the victim by taking her trauma and injuries into account and the public views about this case. OPINION/CONCLUSION In my opinion, the action of appealing the judgement made by the Sessions Court of Johor Bharu was a just and fair decision. Six years of imprisonment with one stroke of rattan is too little compared to the crime. According to John Austin, he defines law as a command given by a sovereign who may be a King, council or parliament. Such a command in his view is backed by coercion so that any person who violates the law, suffer the pain provided by law. [7] The accused needs to be punished for what he had done to the victim. The victim was just a little, innocent girl compared to him whose already old enough to think about right and wrong. Secondly, punishments for committed crimes are not only to punish the criminals, it is also as a deterrence to the public to not commit the same crime as they will be punished in accordance with the law too. Six years imprisonment and one stroke of rattan are not sufficient enough to deter the crime. As John Austin stated on why do we have to obey the law? It is because of the fear of sanction. Austin view is the fear by which the law, by its coercive power, strikes in the heart of the people is what makes people obey the law. If we remove the element of fear from the law, it would not be obeyed as there would be no deterrence. In other words, if a law is made without sanction, it would be disobeyed. [8] Lastly, after the High Court Judge of Johor Bharu sentenced the accused to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rattan, only then, the justice can be seen. Bentham refers justice as maximum happiness of maximum number of people. [9] The public’s views on the case are also need to be considered. Minimum sentences given could cause an uproar in the society. Even Hart mentioned that justice is a shared concept; everybody wants justice seen and done. This is also supported by the aim of having law is to maintain peace and harmony. ———————– [1] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 178. [2] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 143. [3] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, 1994, International Law Book Services, Kuala Lumpur, page 205. [4] Jacques T. Ethics Theory and Practice, (5th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (1995): 3. [5] Basic Observations on Law and Morality. 10 September 2001. Web. 13 August 2012. [6] â€Å"Public Prosecutor v Mohd Romzan bin Ramli. † Malayan Law Journal, 22nd January 2012. Web. 13th August 2012. . [7] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 72,80,81. [8] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 74. [9] â€Å"Jeremy Bentham. † N. p. Web. 14th August 2012. .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Does Globliztion Affect Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

How Does Globliztion Affect Women - Essay Example This essay stresses that communicÐ °tion is lÐ °unching Ð ° women's rÐ °dio stÐ °tion to educÐ °te women Ð °bout their legÐ °l rights Ð °nd similÐ °r mÐ °tters. In the Ð SIL rÐ °dio series on The IndividuÐ °l Ð °nd GlobÐ °lizÐ °tion, lÐ °wyers helped creÐ °te Ð ° spÐ °ce in which women in the developing world told their stories to Ð ° broÐ °d Ð °udience. In EcuÐ °dor, Ð ° lÐ °wyer skilled in mediÐ °tion enÐ °bles Ð °n indigenous group to Ð °void the expense of nÐ °tionÐ °l courts. Postmodern lÐ °wyers cÐ °n even Ð °ppropriÐ °te Ð °dvertising. Pierre SchlÐ °g describes Ð ° Mobil Ð °dvertisement, for exÐ °mple, in which the oil compÐ °ny exploits refugees to enhÐ °nce its corporÐ °te imÐ °ge. WhÐ °tever its objective, the Ð °dvertisement mÐ °y well contribute to Rorty's "sympÐ °thy"--unfocused, sentimentÐ °l, but sympÐ °thy nevertheless. This paper makes a conclusion that the postmodern Ð °ttorney represents her client in Ð ° new wÐ °y. Unlike the clÐ °ssic lÐ °wyer, she does not seek to simply represent her client's interests before the Ð °ppropriÐ °te tribunÐ °l. RÐ °ther, she recognizes thÐ °t those interests mÐ °y not be cognizÐ °ble under the lÐ °w. The economic rights of mÐ °rginÐ °lized women Ð °re rÐ °rely recognized in nÐ °tionÐ °l lÐ °w Ð °nd only vÐ °guely suggested in internÐ °tionÐ °l lÐ °w. The postmodern Ð °ttorney must find other wÐ °ys to support her clients. Ð  CÐ °mpÐ °ign for Economic Justice, for exÐ °mple, wÐ °s orgÐ °nized by women who hÐ °d been on welfÐ °re themselves. They filled Ð ° bus Ð °nd trÐ °veled Ð °cross the country for two months, stopping for Ð ° series of cÐ °refully orchestrÐ °ted meetings, rÐ °llies, Ð °nd slide shows.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comparing Liszt piano works to Chopin piano works Research Paper

Comparing Liszt piano works to Chopin piano works - Research Paper Example Franz Liszt came to the limelight in the 19th century courtesy of his extraordinary skill as a pianist. His age mates regarded him the most skilled and advanced pianist and by 1840s he was regarded the best pianist of all time. Liszt was referred a romantic creator who is respected today in the entire globe. He caused a ripple to run through the European music landscape for two major reasons. First, he was one of the few composers of his level who also was a virtuosic artist, and secondly was because his works were unplayable, prominently said to require four hands to play his basic pieces. Liszt was a composer, a teacher of piano and instructor. He was the most famous representative of new German school while serving as a composer. He left a legacy to his name that shall remain in the annals of history as far as music is concerned. Particularly, he invented symphonic poem and advanced the idea of thematic changes. He also did a fundamental role in popularizing a large variety of music through transcribing it for piano.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Laws Have Impacted Commercial Lending Essay

How Laws Have Impacted Commercial Lending - Essay Example In relation to this paper, the introduction of The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA-REG BB) and Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity Act) altered commercial activities landscape for lending institutions. Brown (3) indicates that Acts have had impacts on business and commercial related activities for the past thirty years since they were established. Part 1 CRA was an Act put to place to ensure equity in access to financial services regardless of individual’s background. This Act lays outs steps necessary when settling commercial lending legal issues. EOA was established to provide guidelines and enforce civil liability on lending institutions that offered services in segregation. This law has ensured accessibility of financial services to all legible citizens (Brown 42). Over the 30 years the introductions of commercial lending laws have altered the business environment. This paper evaluates the impacts of CRA and ECOA on commercial lending institutions and society. CRA and E COA acts have achieved more positive benefits as opposed to the challenges they have brought. Before these Acts were in place lending institutions targeted the high income market for their services, preferably big business and white collar companies. This shift was realized when policies forced them to provide their services in line with societal demands for their financial rights (Brown 11). CRA and ECOA have also impacted on businesses negatively by reducing their owner’s authority in dealing with fiscal policy matters. There have been conflicts involving the government and lending institution on what is considered ethical when conducting businesses. Imperfect information is obtained by lending institutions from borrowers due to restrictions interfering with record keeping by financial institutions. There was a backlog of legal issues concerning lending institutions and the new clients of commercial banks. According to Brown (10), laws facilitate effective running of busine ss whereby client’s interests are safeguarded when seeking commercial services. These Acts provide clear channels for use when sorting financial disputes.CRA made financial institutions put measures in place that correspond with community’s interests. Institutions have delved on markets initially neglected thus increasing their customer base resulting in healthy business competition. The Acts have led to societal well being by catering for its clients needs. Commercial institutions that tapped on new markets such as the marginalized communities realized growth in their profit margin. Good ethical practices by commercial banks adhering to CRA and ECOA acts have promoted fairness and equity to the world of business. Financial institutions have altered their mode of obtaining information from people of different social backgrounds. Unfortunately prejudices have led to collapse of businesses where clients boycott discriminatory organizations. In the current years commercia l banks are being forced to respect the rights of minorities when transacting businesses with them. Banks have expanded the operations venturing into neglected territories when capturing the untapped markets. Part 2 The five essential elements of credit include character, capital, collateral, cash-flow and capacity (Larson & Harms 38). As a commercial lender I will minimize the risks involved safeguarding my business. Banks should seek expertise from other professionals like

Monday, August 26, 2019

On A&P by John Updike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On A&P by John Updike - Essay Example As they glanced through the merchandises, Sammy stares at them and afterward admires the most attractive and most imposing of the three. He calls her Queenie. When Lengel, the manager of the supermarket, scolds the three girls for being so indecently dressed, Sammy hastily quits his job to show his boss and the girls that he can fight for his principle. Even though the plot is straightforward, the central theme of the narrative is powerful: a dignified act that represents a useless attempt to defy socioeconomic hierarchy. The social inequality that forms the foundation of the narrative is seen through the point of view of Sammy. The teenage girls are obviously from an upper class because of the aura they exude and their noticeable difference from the other customers in the store. At this point, the issue of social class is highlighted (Kirszner & Mandell 1996, 1512). Sammy describes the other customers in a derogatory way, such as â€Å"an old party in baggy gray pants† and â €Å"house slaves in pin curlers† (Kirszner & Mandell 1998, 73). ... Nevertheless, both Sammy and Queenie behave in ways that are somewhat similar. Both are making an attempt to fit into new realities, with Queenie wanting to experience the life ‘below’ and Sammy struggling to experience the life ‘above’ (Searles 26). As Queenie approaches the cashier, Sammy sees, â€Å"Now her hands are empty, not a ring or a bracelet,†¦ and I wonder where the money’s coming from. Still with that prim look she lifts a folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top† (Kirszner & Mandell 1998, 74). Through this act, she not merely tries her sexual ability but also goes down to the ‘supermarket’ class. It is obvious from the story that the supermarket caters to the low class, as shown in the characteristics of most of its customers. Yet Sammy is aware of the social and economic gap between him and Queenie (Kirszner & Mandell 17): I slid right down her voice into her living room. Her fat her and the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks off a big plate and they were all holding drinks the color of water with olives and sprigs of mint in them. When my parents have somebody over they get lemonade and if it’s a real racy affair Schlitz in tall glasses with â€Å"They’ll Do It Every Time† cartoons stencilled on. However, by quitting his job, Sammy defies economic and social boundaries. Even though the decision of Sammy to quit his job is reckless and unwise, it seems that he is making a decisive opposition against what he believes is social prejudice (Searles 29). But not like Queenie’s boldness, Sammy’s insubordination and rebelliousness will have lasting outcomes. Sammy’s

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Compare and contrast absorption costing Assignment

Compare and contrast absorption costing - Assignment Example Absorption costing and Marginal costing are two such costing methods. They differ to quite an extent, however whether one method is better than the other depends largely on the situations in which they are applied and the underlying objectives of the businesses in which they are applied. Before looking at these two concepts in detail, it is appropriate to discuss the components that make up the ultimate cost of a good or service. The cost of something can be broadly broken up into fixed costs and variable costs.   Fixed costs are those costs that are incurred irrespective of the level of production. So for example, in a garment factory business, fixed costs would include the rent on the factory. This rent would largely be the same, irrespective of the volume of garments produced in that factory. On the other hand, the variable costs would include the costs of the materials used (‘direct material’), the daily wages of the staff producing the garments (‘direct labour’) and even perhaps the electricity charges on the machines used (‘direct variable overheads’). These costs increase directly with the volume of production. More garments being produced would mean more fabric being used, more people being employed or the same people being employed for longer and machines using more electricity by being worked for longer or at higher capacities. This method is also called the full costing method. As the terminology implies, under this method, the full cost of the good or service is used in arriving at the cost per unit. ‘Full costs’ mean that both the variable costs and the fixed costs are included in the calculation of cost per unit. That is, this method does not differentiate between them-all the manufacturing costs are included. In the garment factory example mentioned above, this would mean that in addition to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Atallah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Atallah - Essay Example She says â€Å"I could not resist the soldiers because they might kill me. So what else could I do?† (Henson 36). She had to endure all the hardship together with other women who had been abducted. The Japanese Imperial army had set up com garrisons which housed sex slaves or comfort women, a term commonly used to refer to these women. Slavery as commonly known, the victim is always taken against their will and forced to work or perform acts against their will. Comfort women did not have any control over their sexual activity as all they had to do was to follow orders. These women had to endure painful ordeals of being raped and hit by soldiers. The trauma Maria experienced as a comfort woman affected her for the rest of her life. She notes that one day while she was hanging some clothes to dry, she heard a woman on the radio talking about women who had been raped and her body shook all over (Henson 83). Sexual slavery is a very profound theme in this book and given that it is a woman’s firsthand experience, one gets to see just how much it affects the

Business Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Communications - Assignment Example Requirements include: Bachelors Degree in Accounting/Finance; Sound knowledge of accounting policies and procedures and of basic financial techniques for planning, forecasting, and related analyses; Strong analytical skills required; CPA a plus. To apply for this exciting position, please contact me at Job Experience: 1-3 Years The job is appealing because it is totally related to my interest. I want to build my career in the research. The job posting and the requirements are interesting and can help me build my career in the financial market. Additionally it is the job posting of Parker & Lynch, which is located in New Jersey. The NJ is considered as one of the most appealing place of the world to build career in finance. Moreover, Parker & Lynch is a firm totally focused in financial services. Therefore, it is more convincing and appealing to work with hi ghly professional financial analysts that can help me learn a lot regarding the Financial Market. Cover Letter: Dear Sir/Madam, I’m a candidate for Level-III June-13 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program from CFA Institute, Virginia, USA. I've fairly detailed understanding of professional and ethical standards regarding investment management. I’ve done MBA (Finance) from highly recognized University. During my studies my core modules were Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Finance, and Fixed Income, Portfolio Management, Quantitative Techniques, Equity, Money Market and Capital Market. I grasped a holistic view of the functions and practice of the financial planning. I have got deep attention to detail and that always helps me in all my analytical tasks. I am fully focused on my career. I am looking for a job that gives me a space to accomplish meaningful and worthy achievements for the company in such a way that I can also grow along with the organizational o utcomes. I have a crystal clear vision about my possible placement and that is achieving quick results individually and as a part of a team. I have got good ability to interpret situations and I am strongly focused on activities that generate value to the company and its customers. This is a brief overview of my studies, my professional experience & personality. I hope if given a chance, I will definitely be an asset for your Institution. Looking forward to hearing you soon. Kind Regards; XYZ. Curriculum Vitae ABC Address: Tel: Email: Objective education work experience Uiversity Projects other skills INTErests rEFERENCES To obtain a distinct position in the global financial industry where I can play my role in analysing financial instruments and get to the top while enhancing my analytical skills. CFA Level III Candidate MBA Finance MTO at an Investment Boutique Intern at Walls Fargo Work Cited "Financial Analyst/ Team Environment Jobs in Parsippany, New Jersey - Park er & Lynch

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critically evaluate feminist arguments against the present system of Essay

Critically evaluate feminist arguments against the present system of science - Essay Example The movement also argued that science, besides perpetuating inequalities between sexes, is excessively focused on rational positivism, specifically on matters of objectivity, exactness, and certainty that seemed in conflict with feminism’s political ideals (Potter, 2006), and specifically with the development of a feminist science that focuses on women’s interests. Feminist Critiques of Science Feminist discourses are stuffed with cases of gender inequalities, especially in the field of science. Since the 1960s, feminist critique of science have shifted from discourses that explained the likelihood of reforming the existing system of science to demands for a total reconstruction of the core bedrock of culture and science (Wyer, 2009). Radical feminism argues that the politics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemologies of the prevailing system of science are male-biased and interdependent; that in spite of the profoundly embedded Western cultural faith in the inherent obje ctivity or liberalism of science, science nowadays caters mostly to reactionary or backward social inclinations; and that science’s methods of creating and explaining meanings, its approaches to the process of research problem identification and experimental designs, its instruments and applications, and its social structure are not just androcentric but also culturally intimidating, rigidly hierarchical, and racially prejudiced (Outhwaite & Turner, 2007). As explained by Mayberry (2001), in their explorations of how the formation of gender identity, the gender-based differentiation of labour, and gender representation have shaped the historical development and principles of science, feminist scholars have questioned and debunked the social and intellectual system at their core. Feminists have commonly viewed practitioners of science as conspiring, unknowingly or intentionally, in the creation and perpetuation of cultural and social stereotypes about the two sexes. A good exa mple is sociobiology, the field that associated animal behaviour with human behavioural patterns. Sociobiologists generally believe that the environment has a negligible contribution to human development. They have attributed the greatest role to the genes. A well-known sociobiologist, E.O. Wilson argued that, â€Å"It pays males to be aggressive, hasty, fickle, and undiscriminating. In theory it is more profitable for females to be coy, to hold back until they can identify males with the best genes... Human beings obey this biological principle faithfully† (Wyer, 2008, 188). Because of such male-biased statements, feminists have fervently condemned the efforts of sociobiologists to validate and reinforce inequalities between the human sexes. Sociobiology promotes the idea that females are selective and favour monogamous relationships because these traits guarantee the reproduction of their genes. On the other hand, males are naturally promiscuous and prefer polygamous relati onships to guarantee the transmission of their genes (Wyer, 2008, 188). Hilary Rose and Nancy Hartsock support and explained the value of a feminist standpoint perspective, and the importance of developing a form of science that gives consideration to women and women’s worldview and knowledge. These feminist arguments against science blended with an array of other perspectives against positivism, or rigid objectivity and certainty, as the epistemological

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Stan Musial Has Made Me Become a Better Person Essay Example for Free

How Stan Musial Has Made Me Become a Better Person Essay When you think of the All-Time greatest Major League baseball players who do you think of? I’m sure Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Lou Gehrig come to mind. All of these players are considered to be the greatest to ever play the game but there is one legend that a lot of people over look or probably just have never heard of and his name is Stan â€Å"The Man† Musial. Stan was born on November 21, 1920 in Donora, Pennsylvania. His parents were Lukasz and Mary Musial. His mother was of Czech descent and his father was a Polish immigrant. Musial frequently played baseball with his brother Ed and other friends during his childhood. Musial also had the benefit of learning about baseball from his neighbor Joe Barbao who was a former minor league pitcher. At age 15 Musial joined the Donora Zincs, a semi-professional team managed by Barbao. In his debut he pitched 6 innings and struck out 13 batters, all of them adults. Musial also played one season with the Donora High School baseball team. He also played basketball for Donora and he was even offered a scholarship from the University of Pittsburgh. Meanwhile the St. Louis Cardinals had scouted him as a pitcher and in 1937 offered him a professional contract, which he later accepted. After he accepted the contract he spent three years with Cardinals class D team the Williamson Red Birds and Class AA Columbus Red Birds. On September 17, 1941 Musial made his major league debut. He finally got his chance and he definitely didn’t waste it. Musial went on to play for 22 seasons never getting thrown out of one game. He had a career batting average of .331, he had 3,630 hits, 475 home runs, and 1,951 runs batted in. Musial was a 24 time All-Star, 3 time World Series champion, 3 time NL MVP, 7 time NL batting champion, and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1969 as a first ballot Hall of Famer. Stan played in his last game on September 29, 1963, he finished right where he left off with a hit of course but this hit was a foreshowing of what was to come. Musials last hit in his career was hit past the Cincinnati Reds first baseman at the time, Pete Rose, who would later break Musial’s National League hit record and later break Cobbs record to become the al l time hit king. Musial then retired after the 1963 season. After he retired Musial was named a vice president of the St. Louis Cardinals in September of 1963, and he remained in that position until after the 1966 season. Before the 1967 season began, the Cardinals named Musial the teams general manager, and he oversaw the clubs World Series championship that year. Through the 1990s, he frequently played the harmonica at public gatherings, such as the annual Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony and various charity events. Musial died on January 19, 2013 in his home in Ladue, Missouri. After he died another Cardinal great Albert Pujols had this to say about his passing. It was such a sad day, but I am so blessed to have spent time with him the last 12 years. He blessed my life and many, many lives in baseball during his career, and after his career. He touched so many lives. He means as much as Roberto Clemente does to Latin people. Thank God I had the opportunity to know him. Pujols also says, â€Å"I wish my kids had the opportunity to be around him, because thats how I want my kids to live their lives. I want them to be like Stan Musial.Not the baseball player. The person. Thats the respect I have for that man. Stan wasn’t just known for being â€Å"The Man† on the field but he was just as much of a man off the field as well. After he retired Musial didn’t just fall off the face of the earth like most ball players do, he stayed in St. Louis and hosted golf tournaments, worked with the boys and girls club of St. Louis and helped raise money for baseball fields and equipment all over the city. He was always around the team. Anytime there was a Cardinal event, parade, retirement or just a big game at Busch Stadium Stan Musial was there. He didn’t just sit in the team box and waved to the crowd either. Stan Musial was a real person who always took time to walk around the stadium, shake hands and sign anything. In conclusion, Stan Musial to me isn’t just one of the greatest baseball players of all-time he was one of the greatest men of all-time. He is someone that I look up to not just as a baseball player but as a person as well. He’s the reason I wear the number 6 because every time I put that jersey on I remind myself of Stan and how he played the game and that’s how I want to play. Just. Like. The Man.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Purpose Of Computer Components Computer Science Essay

Purpose Of Computer Components Computer Science Essay There are many peripherals inside computer base, which process instruction via buses/wires to other hardware/software. Those are hardwares that works together and shows output/input. Such as Motherboard, Monitor, Operating system, Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Hard Disk (storage devices) and Graphic card /video card. My aim is to describe about hardware, role of hardware and specification. Nowadays, technology growing very fast, even mobile, PDA works as computer, without having hardware like computer. In this report, the user will get more knowledge about hardware. The CPU is main device to maintain and provides order to RAM. If we go to deep then, the CPU has for factor of execution, such as PC (program controller), CU (control unit), and ALU (arithmetic logic unit) and finally is storage (registers). But clock is important device which maintain frequency (voltage) within computer system. A RAM is short term memory hardware which gets order from CPU and sends it hardware to run and launch. A RAM have priority to transmit data to anywhere within system. Secondary memory is non volatile because it holds data for permanent and CPU is not direct contacting with memory. A magnetic disk and optical device is secondary device because you use that device anywhere and any location by modelled by USB system. A supportive device and input/output devices also important to support other device for improve efficiency, performance and execution. Process of computer system Other I/O e.g. USB, ETHERNET and other components Diagram (1.1) [1] Control CLOCK KEYBOARD CPU, CATCH SRAM/AVL, general register MAIN MEMORY HARD DISK Data buses, 64 wire Address bus 16, 32, 64 serial wires Control buses: lot of different signal RW line e.g. clock signal Diagram 1.1 shows a CHIP clock is manages and handles all activity of hardware and software. It controls the traffic (frequency/voltage/bandwidth) within internal buses that make sore every components of computer system should get right amount of duty (instruction). When user gives command to computer system, than a CPU (central processor unit) gets instructions, that moment a clock chip controller performs to processor should get reliability. After, a processor passes information within second to Memory RAM. A memory ram is short term storage devices which executes information from CUP and shows output to user. A RAM sends instruction to other internal devices to perform. After that, a software/ or hardware start functioning. I would like to describe about hardware of computer system. [3] CPU (central processing unit) is a main primary hardware of computer system which is carryout the commands from software and categorise task in sequential order. A role of CPU is to perform programs that stored in the main memory via fetching their orders. It is responsible of fetching commands from the memory and formative their type. It has four major models which are Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), Control unit, registers, and Clock. A CUP calculates Arithmetic, assignment statement, Boolean statement and logical statements which are performed by CUP. It also holds high-speed memory to store output and some control statements. Central processing unit (CPUs) [2] This memory is registered with functions; the most important program is program counter (PC), which indicates to next command to be executed. And also there is another register which contains instruction of current processing task. A CPU needed a motherboard and RAM to transmit instructions and Ventilation sink to cool down the CPUs internal materials (buses). [2] CPU processing cycle: it is execution process where the instructions processed by sequentially within CPU from memory. A cycle mean it keep reaping and executing instructions until a task is finished or reached. Primary memory and secondary memory RAM (random access memory) [5] before in 2003, RAM shared 512 memory that provided by system but nowadays RAM memory reach up to 1 or 4 GB, when RAM is not capable to transmit the data flow within its ability, then the user might have install another RAM. So the system can run faster and task will be monitored by operating system. As we know that memory controls the signal traffic, but upgrading latest RAM, improves the traffic signal of data/task, works faster than before and also you will get quick response from computer system. Basically, memory is measured by increase of bits and bytes. [4] It stores data that can be access sequentially. If the data is not reached or not found at present position, than each memory bytes checked until get full information or found data. A SAM (serial access memory) is a partition of RAM that helps to transfer (buffer) data; organise data in order and then stores. A memory is integrated circuit (IC), which developed by 100 thousands of transistors and capacitors. Most basic RAM circuit is DRAM (dynamic memory random access memory). A capacitors and transistors produce a memory cell, which represents a signal bit of data (1 or 0). A capacitors is contains one signal digit at one time (voltage) and transistor works as switch, so it lets the control circuitry on the memory circuitry reads that binary words that capacitors contains and modify its position. Memories consist of a cells and each cell organised by address. A CPU (central processing unit) interact with main memory by sending signals to two registers of memory, which are memory address register (MAR.) and memory buffer register (MBR). When a CPU wants instruction from memory, it sends address of instruction to MAR and send digital frequency to memory the memory. After that the memory stats functioning and insert that instruction to MBR, where the CPU can access that frequency. The CPU set the address into MAR and cells are stored in the MBR. Finally, the memory is starts working and store set of instruction. A memory needs slots to locate into motherboard. The user can input two memory chipset at one time. There are two type of chipset which are DDR and SDRAM, its sends instruction twice at same time. [5] A program only launch from main memory and OS (operating system) holds instruction until needed. Secondary memory As I defined differences of primary memory; a CPU can be directly access it but in secondary memory, CPU does not access instruction or data directly. Normally, secondary memory is cheaper, longer and has larger capacity. Also it hold large amount of data. Hard drive Today, the hard drive is available in various formats, such in larger capacity. It used to hold up permanent data such as operating system, files and application. A disk is made from metal or made from special glass or aluminium or alloy material, which is LP phonograph used to record. The user can save large amount of data for permanent. A memory does not disappear when computer is shutdown. It holds memory until user needs. A hard disk is holds bytes and bit and that converted into file/folder. However, when program is running that moment the hard disk retrieves instructions and sends data to CPU at the one time. Commonly, the hard drive is transmitting data between 5 to 40 Mbps. When a CPU request for data from hard drive, that time the data transmitted to CPU between 10- 20 milliseconds. [15] Information is printed on a patterns and tracks. Track means concentric circles and patterns are in pie shaped. The disk has hundreds of tracks per shell. There are data reader head that move to closer or move back to central. The head is long enough to read or write data from whole CD, when its spinning. A hard drive have many disk installed vertically by inch apart and every disk patterns have a head that movies together and executes data at same time. Each disk drive has installed with disk controller. The controller transmits data between main memory and disk. Once a data start executed, the memory set the address for that data and keep information about where to go? And keep address of data that executed from. A disk have many sectors are divided by tracks, basically, 10 to 100 sectors per track. [15] Disk storage and USB storage: A disk is third memory storage device because the user can take anywhere. A DVD drive is rewritable compact disk knowledge. A user can save data from hard drive or load the data into it for purposes. It is burns various type of disk in different formation such as music, video and file. There also external DVD drives that can be connect via wire. A DVD drive data read rate is 48* (CD) and 16* (DVD); also writing rate is 48* (CD), 6-8 * (DVD) and 12* (DVD RAM). A user need a disk drive that record data into disk, but in DVD drive a laser reads data from surface of disk and then transmitted into computer system. A purpose of the Disk is to backup data and for protection. [6] A USB (universal serial bus) devices are very easy to use and a device created for universal use, because a small chipset, it can store large data. It usually works in any computer or other device and range of components can be connected easily. A USB 1.1 has ability to transfer maximum rate of1.5 12mbps. [6][7] Input and output devices Scanner/printer: a scanner is important device to convert paper base information into digital information and printer is printing digital information into paper. Basically, the user gives instruction to printer to print data but computer recognises its components by driver. Most common function of scanner is CCD arrays. It collects small lights -responsive diodes which change light into digital. However, an inkjet printer uses small droplets of ink to create image. The dots are very small and tiny between 10-3 dots per millimetre and positioned to exact location. [8] Keyboard, Mouse A keyboard is very common hardware to input/guide instruction and for manage computer system. It can connect via wire or USB ports. It has many characters to interact with PC, such as numbers, symbols and alphabets. It has switches to translate the person who type character into bytes so computer can understand. Most of keyboards have 80- 110 keys including functional key, control key, numeric pad and typing keys. Inside the keyboard, it has own circuitry and processor to take instruction to CPU. [9] A mouse is best model to interact with computer system without typing in; control censor movement and have ability to point on the object on computer monitor. It gives you easy accessibility to perform function of computer system. A mouse (device) installed with either sensor or roll ball to create/navigate motion. There are different mouse developed which is optical, touchpad and roll ball. An optical mouse has track sensor (CMOS: complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) that scan surface and does not need a pads to support. The CMOS sensor transmits every collected image to digital signal processor (DSP) for analysis. Basically, a DSP measured the collection of data that how patterns are moving from previous image. [10] Support devices Motherboard Motherboard is main part of the computer and it handles communications between devices via transmitting electromagnetic power. A motherboard has many supports components to hardware, such lithium betray, DDR memory slots, 12v ATX power connector, AGP slots, chipsets, USB headers, PCI slots, CPU, HDD headers, IEEE (network) etc. Each function of motherboard has own responsibility to support internal hardware. There are many comprised individual circuit traces that is in collection of form of buses. Traces are skinny conductors or circuits on motherboard that works combine for a specific aim. It transmits electrical frequency (signals) from HDD, CPU and RAM then to other devices. A motherboard Bus is work with internal chipset/circuit to move exist data within motherboard. A motherboard can be process 32/64 bits, and transmit data up to 800-2000 MHz Major functions of the motherboard is chipset which is north and Southbridge; usually, it behave as traffic signals on the motherboard to measure high and low voltage communication to reduce data crashes. A Northbridge manages high speed communication between CPU, Ram and supportive hardware but Southbridge manages slow speed of communication based device between ports and slots, such as USB, IDE, parallels, serial, keyboard etc. [11] Graphic card A graphic card is provides supportive abilities for media bases software or hardware to work and run properly. Specially, an Intel chipset (G965, GM965, G33 etc) developed to support games animation, high resolution, and GUI (graphical user interface). A graphic card is allowed to experienced high definition GUI without needed for add-in components. Most of the graphic card is installed within motherboards AGP slot. A role of GPU (graphic processing unit) is to draw entities (geometric and mathematic calculation) that moving fast image that observe the monitor and its high level of language produce for graphic interface. To target that real time animation, the GPU must perform much floating-point operation per second. A GPU measured a shape and type of data and passes to execute function at GPU [12]. A GPU modelled by vector processing modelled, to support high application and support their functionally and GPU parallel architecture allows to perform faster, boosting rate of executi on. A manufacture developed much kind of GPU and to support; the user needs to install drivers. Currently, there are two type of GPU interface, which is OpenGL and DirectX [ref]. Because, those are interfaces developed for programming graphic operations. Figure 1.4[12] Reason I wrote about GPU because it has big responsibility give graph card to support other elements. An image we see on the monitor, it is tiny dots of pixels and that pixels are common regulation setting; each block of cells has thousands of pixels. Graphic card is translator binary data from CPU and convert into image. Basic principal of CPU is to transmit instruction that provided by software and graphic card decides how much pixels have to use to describe image. After that it transmits information to the monitor through cables. It also contains output/input technology, such as memory, processor, heat sink, motherboard connector. [13] Conclusion To conclude all about computer hardware, including CPU, memory and supportive device that work together. My aim is to describe about ability, specification and role of hardware. When the user is interact with computer system by mouse or keyboarded. The CPU gets information and converted into instruction. Basically, CPU produces order for components via using different device, such as RAM, ROM. My decision is that, by upgrading hardware, the computer system may work fast, reliable and accessibility will improve. Normally, Secondary memory provides space to hardware/software to launch and primary memory directly communicates with hardware. There are various memory which helping RAM to work faster which is registers, catch memory. The registers are addresses the executed instruction and processed instructions. A CPU does not communicate with secondary storage device, because the data is keeps permanents and can only use when needed. Its also known as magnetic disk, which is a data store in tracks and addressed blocks but when computer is shutdown, the data cannot erase. This is advantage of having secondary memory in computer system. A disk is also important to back up data, so user can use in different computer. Recently, optic storages are growing and making place in market, because it can be use anywhere and more protected. However, the user can re-write on disk or optic storage device. A scanner scans paper based information and converted into image, but that image, a printer prints it. The advantage of having scanner is to keep data in digital way and when it needed data will printed. A purpose of mouse is to interact and select object from monitor, so without inputting, a system going to run much easier. But a keyboard has many symbolic buttons and each buttons are address by bytes which keyboard processor convert into binary and transmitted to CPU. A motherboard developed by many functions to support and provide communication channel to hardwares which is connected to. Basically, it transmits an electric power via system buses and Northbridge manages high speed of CPU, RAM and ROM but Southbridge manages high speed of external devices, such as secondary and optic memory. A graphic card has important role as well to provide clear and sufficient image on the monitor. GPU is measures complex geometric shape and do mathematical calculation to make GUI (graphical int erface system) system.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Consumerism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay

Consumerism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay Sustainable development has been a goal widely pursued by all nations, globally. Citizens lifestyle has an important effect on the sustainability of a city. A sustainable lifestyle will promote the development of a society; on the contrary, an unsustainable lifestyle will hinder the development of economy and society. At the same time, globalization also has vital effect on development of a society including positive and negative. In human living environment area, the Agenda 21 was held up and adopted, in the agenda, people tried to find the appropriate way to achieve a sustainable living lifestyle. According to Agenda 21, the reason why the global environment becomes deteriorated is mainly the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption, especially in industrialized countries, which needs serious concern, aggravating poverty and imbalances. However, with the increase of global population, how to balance the relationship between resources supply and demand to achieve the goal of sustainability is complicated. For communities and individuals, special attention should be paid on the use of natural resources which generated by unsustainable consumption and reduction of pollution. In other words, the communities and individuals should look for an appropriate living style of environment-friendly, energy conservation towards achieving sustainable goal. Although government has been put much efforts to encourage people to do some reduction of pollution, reduction of energy consumption, and waste recycling, actually there is still a long distance to reach the goal of sustainability, and there should be a series of fundamentally changes for individuals to adopt to pursue a green, sustainable society. Globalization Globalization means different things to different people. In general, globalization is a process that promotes world-wide exchanges of national and cultural resources. It has many aspects including economic globalization, social cultural globalization, and environmental globalization. In recent decades, the world markets have become integrated (Simone Borghesi 2001) As Lindert and Williamson 2011 pointed out, world market integration is not a new phenomenon, but it has steadily increased since the 1820s if we exclude the period between the two World Wars. (P.H.Lindert 2001)The increasing economic globalization could promote the society to be sustainable in one hand because the objective of sustainable development is the development should meet the needs of all people, however, this could not be realized in a limited environment. As we all know the carrying capacity of environment is limited, but the globalization increased the trade between nations in terms of the productions. Howeve r, on the other hand, the globalization of markets also brought about globalization of environmental problems. A long-term correlation between the globalization of international markets and environmental degradation is quite obviously (R. Looney 2003) Global climate change, ozone layer becomes thinner, reduction of biodiversity, over consumption of natural resources, desertification are all global environmental degradation brought by the economic globalization. The industrial revolution use large amount of natural resources as materials in the process, this led to the deterioration of environment and pollution. The acceleration of economic growth led to the increasing of world population that also promoted the deterioration of environment. In order to achieve much profit, companies extend the use of land, damage the habitats of living organisms, thus, decrease the biodiversity. In addition producers focus more on the economic values of products instead of their environmental values, this will lead to the imbalance of environment. Lifestyle and sustainability Concept of sustainable development The concept of sustainability means that something is maintained for a period of long time. The concept of sustainable development first came out of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in (1972) Since the publication of the UN Brundtland Commission report  Our Common Future  in 1987, the concept of sustainability has become associated with the integration of economic, social, and environmental development to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs(Development 1982)In this definition, we should focus on two key points, one is the needs and the other is meet the generation needs need the efforts of all nations. Thus, the conference required the cooperation of all nations to act to reduce the environmental pollution and protection of resources. Since then, it has become clear that what we do has an impact on the environment, from the climate change, desertification, and the destruction of forests to the disappearance of species. By discussing the impact of human beings behavior on the environment, it should be in a social and economic dimension, especially the North- South dialogue and the rights of future generations. This finally led to the United Nations Convention on Education and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In this conference, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Framework on Climate Change, the Rio Declaration and 38 of the 40 chapters of Agenda 21 were agreed. (Development 1992) After that the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was set up to review progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and other UNCED documents. There are more than 1000 NGOs are accredited to participate the Commission work(Nations 1987) Concept of lifestyle The concept of lifestyle comes from social science and refers to a bundle of practices or ways of behaving that are meaningful for individual as well for the community. Lifestyle includes different ways of socializing with others and different types of consumption of everything, from houses to clothes, food, and leisure time activities. Lifestyle could reflect individuals attitude and values and at the same time signals these to others through visible, or conspicuous, consumption. Sustainable lifestyle can thus be defined as bundles of practices that are tied together by attitudes related to sustainable development, or as ways of living that in practice lead to sustainable development. In 1992 at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, there was an international agreement on promoting sustainable development and thus also promoting sustainable lifestyle. Following the line of the Brundtland report, the conference reached consensus on the so-called Agenda 21 programme, which contains detailed guidelines and objectives, in a non-legally binding language, and advice on how NGOs, citizens, and other actors can be involved in the process. The slogan was act local -think global and during the 1990s Local Agenda activities were started in many countries by both governments and NGOs. In 2007-08 such initiatives received high attention, with global climate being highlight on the political agenda. Local Agenda 21 was no longer a slogan, though the concepts of sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles were then used together with climate discussions. The processes of Local Agenda 21 build on the idea that changes must come from below, from changes in the everyday life o f ordinary consumers. Current lifestyle When talking about living lifestyle, smoking, poor nutrition, obesity, elevated stress, and suboptimal sleep will come into ones mind, these are major contributors to the general of lifestyle-related conditions, morbidity, and premature death (Dean 2008) Preventable lifestyle-related conditions such as ischemic heart disease, lasting bronchitis, and emphysema, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and some cancers, are not only leading causes of disability and premature death in high-income countries, but increasingly in middle and low-income countries (Tal Gilbert 2004) Compared to the impact of environment brought from lifestyle, the bad lifestyle seems to have much effect on individuals health. However, from long-term sight, bad lifestyle will bring waste of resources, pollution of environment and at last hinder the development of society. When considering the relationship between lifestyle and consumerism, green consumerism should be advocated (Andrew Gilg 2005) Then what is green consumerism? In short, who buys and why. Current global levels of domestic energy consumption and waste production have been acknowledge as important contribution to the detriment of environment (Nations 1998) This reflects a abnormal consumerism that who needs so much energy and whether they really need. This caused the debate of how we will live in the future(De Young 1993) and response there has been a call for the development of national policies and strategies to encourage changes in consumption patterns(UNCED 1992:64). One approach has been the promotion of environmentally-friendly lifestyles which often take the form of media or community campaigns. These campaigns encourage individuals not only to decrease the amount consumed, but also to alter the nature of goods consumed (lUCN/UNEPAVWF 1991). Many studies will discuss in later sect ion. Changing Lifestyles towards Sustainability In discussion of sustainable lifestyles above, how to achieve sustainable lifestyles is important. There are two ways of changing lifestyles: bottom-up and top-down. (Hanssen 2012) The so-called bottom-up means people themselves try to find sustainable lifestyles with their knowledge and experiments, and the second way means changing the lifestyles by enforcement of government. Authorities can promote changes by political initiatives such as economic incentives or green taxes and through information and labeling of green products and campaigns focusing on changing attitudes. Furthermore, authorities can focus on establishing the physical infrastructure which supports sustainable lifestyles: public transportation, renewable energy production, recycling waste system, and so on. As the discussion above, it is the needs for individuals and government to change the lifestyle and the lifestyle needs to be sustainable. Many countries have been implemented sustainable lifestyles. The global climate change has caused the attention from all over the world, and many countries have been done for it. For example, the non-motorized in Amsterdam. Today, due to the lack of natural recourses, the transportation system becomes unsustainable. The carbon emission from the combustion of fossil fuel is the contribution to the air pollution. Therefore, it is encouraged encourage people to use more bicycle or walking instead of motors in order to not only to reduce the carbon emission but also to get a healthy lifestyle. The picture shows people in Amsterdam riding a bicycle (Figure1) Another example is a car dependent city of UK-Belfast. This is a city depend seriously on cars. The research was done to see the citizens response to the measures of limit the use of cars and their attitudes and awareness of climate change. Sweden is adopting the measures to reduce carbon emission from transportation to decrease the climate change. And in Malaysia, the government wants to do the similar to reduce the air pollution especially global climate change, however, the climate in Malaysia may be a challenge for implementation of this. Because the climate in Malaysia is the tropical rainforest climate, the temperature there is also higher for people to ride bicycles(M. R.Mat Yazide 2011) Therefore, this programme needs to be evaluated in Malaysia. From these examples, we can see that the sustainable lifestyle is a main stream for each country. There is a research about the carbon emission of each nation, from the chart ,we can see that those nations with high income have higher emission(Figure 2). Figure 1. People are riding bicycles in Amsterdam source:(M. R.Mat Yazide 2011) 1-s2.0-S1877343509000396-gr1.jpg Figure 2. Country-wise emission per capita source:(Pal 2009) Those countries which have high income have the high carbon emission (Figure 2) It is unequally for those low income countries who to share the deterioration environment. It is not the responsibilities of one or two countries, but the world-wise efforts to reduce the carbon emission globally. In the recent decades, some nations have been tried to change their citizens lifestyle through public participation, and associated with some NGOs develop some environmental protection programmes. These activities are all design to increase the citizens awareness to let them know the living environment has become deteriorated. Water should be recycled, waste should be classified, energy should be produced from renewable resources, and the community building in neighborhoods to strengthen and revitalize local social life. In order to look for a new, environment-friendly lifestyle, eco-village was born (Hanssen 2012) The people deciding to build and live in these eco-villages thus establish other physical, social, and cultural structures around their everyday life as part of living a sustainable lifestyle. However, this type of lifestyle was questioned that whether this really can lead to the global sustainable lifestyle or only the pursuit of a small part of people. In addition, this raises the question of whether sustainable lifestyles are only for those who want to live an alternative life or whether they should be acted as a mainstream trend and made available for a broader audience. In order to find a more sustainable lifestyle and examine which type is more effective for people and society to implement, many studies were done by researchers. In general, social science is used to deal with such issues and divided into two directions, psychological and sociological approaches. As an example of the psychological approach, there was a study done to look the effects of an Internet-based tool that used a combination of tailored information, goal setting, and feedback on households direct and indirect energy consumption in Netherlands. An evaluation lasts 5 months showed that households gained a significant direct energy saving of 5%, whereas there was no measurable effect on indirect energy consumption. It is thus possible to document a small but significant relation between knowledge and action. From a sociological approach, the Action at home of UK, which is part of the Global Action Plan that originally developed in the United States during the late 1980s, has been evaluated by Hobson to find the simple relation between knowledge and change of behavior (Hanssen 2012)The Action at home programme lasted 6-month where households were provided with information, support, and feedback in a local setting enabling local support and networking between participants. An evaluation based on qualitative interviews suggests rethinking the ideas on information, barriers, and behavioral change. Information should be seen as a much more constructivist approach, where people use and develop arguments through conversations with others, rather than by receiving objective knowledge. The focus should be on the whole array of social structures sustaining specific behaviors, rather than on only barriers to action, and finally the understanding of behavioral change should rather focus on how debat e can bring unnoticed routines that are never consciously thought of. Though there are disagreements in the understanding of behavior and the role of information between the social and the psychological approach, it is possible to draw some general recommendations on how to best persuade people to change to a more sustainable lifestyle: Communication should be as specific and personalized as possible, and information should be as adjusted to the lifestyle of the citizens as possible, thereby making the advice meaningful and useful for the citizens attitudes and practices. Conclusion In order to achieve a global, green, sustainable development, the efforts needed from all over the world. For governments, based on the Agenda 21 and the characteristics of city, they should formulate the local strategy to meet the needs of development is the most important thing. Such as in Hong Kong, due to the limitation of land and high building density, government should make some strategies like economic incentive to encourage local citizens to reduce the private cars and increase use of public transportation. However, the premise of implementation of reduction of private cars should be the sound transportation system. A sound transportation will bring more convenient to citizens like time saving. For citizens in Hong Kong, time is money, to save time equals to earn money. Thus, for cities like Hong Kong with fast life, using of public transportation instead of private cars will bring amount of saving of energy and reduction of air pollution. Sustainable development is a long-term process that getting more from less, for longer and for all. For people, they should start from changing their daily life. As the analysis above, people could do to reduce the stress of environment from these following aspects: Resources conservation Resources conservation including reduction of using natural resources to make sure the limited resources could use longer for more people. Such as water conservation in daily life. Water is the source of life. People could not live on earth without water. Another important resource is biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation should be paid much attention because the whole earth includes people, animals, atmosphere, land and water stays in a stable system. Lacking of one of these factors, the system will damage, and we human beings could gain the benefits from the biodiversity such as food, fibers and even medicine. These are the necessities for human beings life. Rich biodiversity will offer the ongoing resources for future generations to reach the sustainable goal. Resources recycling The resource recycling is mainly about the waste classification. There will be amount of domestic waste production in our daily life. The compound of the domestic waste is so complex and difficult to deal with. And the process of dealing with the waste will bring the pollution of environment such as release the greenhouse gas, sewage discharge into river and marine. Waste classification could reduce the difficulties in the process of dealing and increase the effectiveness. The most common waste in our life is plastic bags and bottles. And the material of the plastic bags and bottles is too difficult to deal with, so it is important to distinguish it from other types of waste and deal with centralized. Resources reuse Resource reuse means using again especially in a different way. This could help increase the effectiveness a resource. For example, the can could use to keep the screws that we do not need to buy another container. This will help saving not only money but also resources. In our life, especially for children, because of their growth, their clothes will become too small to wear. At this time, some parents will consider throwing them out then buy new ones. This is an unsustainable behavior. On the contrary, many parents will consider passing the cloth to other children who can wear them. Giving things to those people who need them is better treated as litter. This behavior reduces the production of waste. The three aspects above are what we can do now in our daily life to help construct a sustainable society. In the process of changing lifestyle, however, citizens attitudes play a vital role. This related to their awareness to the environmental and social risks. It is need to increase citizens awareness through formal and informal education. However, sustainability is a contested concept, and developments in the structures and practices of everyday life continue to change and thus provide new challenges for what a sustainable lifestyle is or should be. In the future, there is also a need to continue experimenting, debating, and developing new approaches to sustainable lifestyles

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Downside of Student Employment Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E

The Downside of Student Employment      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the last thirty years there has been a significant change in the adolescent experience in the United States. The teenagers of today have jobs. While the teenagers of yesteryear had occasional jobs like baby-sitting and yard work or summer jobs at the pool or on the farm, today’s teenagers have employment during the school year that requires a substantial investment of time. In the past, teenagers were either workers or students; working students usually dropped out of school. Part-time work for students was scarce. Now part-time work is common, and certain segments of the economy rely on the ready availability of low-paid teen-age labor.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In many ways, the high school experience, with its social life, clubs,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sports, and volunteer service opportunities, may appear much the same as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   in the past. But the time and commitment required by employment have   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   brought about significant changes in student attitudes and experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The effects of student employment are consequential and pervasive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two major studies examining high school students and their world of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   school, work, family, and peers, have considered the issue of student   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   employment. In Beyond the Classroom, Laurence Steinberg and his associates   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   report on their comprehensive survey of 20,000 students over ten years,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   focusing on student "engagement" with school. (Referred to in notes as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Steinberg.) Another 6-year study of 7000 students looked at student   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ambitions and how well they align with reality. This study is reported in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ambitious Generation: America's Teenage... ...sted in as a career. The education of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American students should not be at the mercy of mall stores and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McDonald's.      Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The Downside of Teen Employment," Secondary School Educators. July 15,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1999.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Schneider, Barbara and David Stevenson. The Ambitious Generation:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America's Teenagers, Motivated but Directionless. New Haven: Yale   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   University Press, 1999.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Steinberg, Laurence. Beyond the Classroom. New York: Simon & Schuster,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1996.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Steinberg, Laurence and Elizabeth Cauffman. "The Impact of Employment on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Adolescent Development" in Annals of Child Development, v. 11. London:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1995: 131-166.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Book of Acts Essay -- the birth of the church

The Book of Acts The book of Acts is known as 'the birth of the church'. Acts recounts the story of the early church from the time of Jesus' ascension to Paul's arrival as a prisoner in Rome. Acts was written by the author of Luke's gospel, Luke. Although the author does not name himself, evidence from the book itself proves that the author was Luke. Luke was a physician. Scriptural evidence of this includes Colossians 4:14: "Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings." Luke often used medical language. For instance, he finds the sailors bandaging the ship in Acts 27:17: "When the men had hoisted in aboard, they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together. Fearing that they would run aground on the sandbar of Syrtis, they lowered the sea anchor and let the ship be driven alone." These two verses along with others in the scripture prove that Luke was a doctor. Some even think that Luke was the first medical missionary. Luke was often a traveling companion of Paul. Luke served as a personal comfort to Paul. Luke appears to travel very often, and he is very familiar with nautical terms. This is supported in Acts 16:10-12: " (10) After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. (11) From Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace, and the next day on to Neopolis. (12) From there we traveled to Phillipi, a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia. And we stayed there several days." Because it is written that Luke was a doctor, and that he and Paul were called by God to preach the gospel, it is evident that Luke was a medical missionary. ... ... always preached to the Jews first (13:5), and turned to the gentiles only after his fellow Jews had rejected him. "And when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews: and they had also John to their minister." The book of Acts is very important because of its explanation of the birth of the church. The authorship of the book may not be listed in the book, but after reading Acts and comparing it to Luke's first account, it is obvious that he is the author. Luke's gives much insight to the beginning of the church. A better understanding of where the church began and where it has progressed to can be gained after thoroughly reading the book. Bibliography: Acts: The Birth of the Church, Blaiklock, New Jersey, 1980 The Holy Bible

Melatonin :: Pharmacy Neurology Sleeping Papers

Melatonin: The Myths and Facts Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland. The pineal gland is about the size of a pea and is located in the center of the brain ( Melatonin is secreted at night or in the dark ( It is used to regulate the sleeping cycle. It is also found to correlate with a lot of other functions and problems in the body. Because of its many uses, melatonin is being manufactured by pharmaceutical companies as a dietary supplement. People are using it to treat everything from jet lag to cancer. There have been many studies done on the effects of melatonin. The bulk of the studies have been done on the effects of melatonin on sleep and on treating jet-lag. The findings show that melatonin is proven to be an effective sleep aid and also help alleviate jet lag. Melatonin is a substance that the public is taking without being knowledgeable about its benefits, side or dosage. Many companies manufacture melatonin. There are two kinds of melatonin available, synthetic or natural. It is recommended to take the synthetic time release formula. It is the closer to the molecular make-up of melatonin and is made with pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Natural melatonin may contain animal parts through which viruses and diseases can be carried ( What is being said about melatonin Melatonin and Sleep Melatonin is used most frequently for sleeping troubles and jet-lag. By differing the amount of exposure to lightness and darkness, there is a possibility of abrupting the sleep/wake cycle. It is believed this change results from varying levels of melatonin being produced. Taking melatonin is thought to induce sleep. It is found to work best when taken between twenty to forty minutes before bedtime. Low levels of melatonin seem to impede or disrupt sleep ( Without rising levels of melatonin in the evening, it is difficult to fall asleep ( The peak of melatonin production appears to be at 2:00 a.m. Melatonin levels rise when the sun goes down and decrease after 2:00a.m. ( By taking melatonin tablets before bedtime, one can supplement their melatonin levels, making sleep come more easily and sleeping more consistently. Melatonin and Jet Lag Melatonin is also used to relieve jet-lag. Jet lag occurs after experiencing rapid, long distance travel through different time zones. Other behaviors that produce symptoms similar to jet lag are working all night shifts, staying up all night and working multiple shifts.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Database analysis of ‘my schools swimming club Essay

Background to the company For my GCSE project I have based on my school’s swimming club. The problems that we are facing in my club are the numbers of people are increasing by each year. It is located Wolverhampton, and about 80 members are in it. Cost 10 pounds a months. We have our regular training twice a week, from 4pm to 5pm. Most of our club members are woman and their age range are from 15 to 40. Competitions are held during the Christmas. For every victory in the competitions, disco party will be held, which will be free for club members. Details of the current system At the moment all information is kept on paper, and many files have been used store those data. Most of it was written by hand and the spaces in one sheet are limited. Information like name, date of birth and the address, gender, cost for each month, etc. Whenever someone new joins, leaves and change in address, we will re- update the data of our computer system again. The data will be all stored in a CD and also keep it outside of the club’s compound in case there is a fire. Problems with the current system Most of the data were been stored by paper and any thing might happen to it. Problems that you will face : can’t read handwriting, hard to find persons record, lost, mislaid, damaged, stolen, messy to edit, time consuming to write new card, what does she do with old records?, only one index, letters have to be written individually. Analysis What data needs to be entered by the user? We held our current data in paper, which held date like name, age, sex etc. What processing is required? The data will be required to store in the hard drive of the computer. Searches, quires, mail merge and also and pieces of data in order. What are the output requirements? Monitor and printers will be required The data will be updated when a new member enters or there is a change in the old member’s address. They will hold about 100 or 200 records. The main people who will go on this data will mostly be the receptionist or the club manager. We are going to use the stand alone system due to the amount of members we have got in our club. The data should be access straight away when there is someone waiting. What are the advantages or disadvantages of improving the current system, or introducing new paper base system? The advantages will be the new system will make our life much more better and quicker access to data. This allows us to save the amount of spaces and time. And the disadvantages will be when you forgot to save some data, when there is a power cut then all the data will be gone and will need to be retyped. What are the advantages or disadvantages of introducing a computer based system? I have decided to introduce a computer based system because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Specification Things that will be achieve: * The customer wouldn’t have to wait for long, about 5 seconds. * Making our life easier. * Update data quicker and easily. * Enable people to look up for information only if they have password. * More free space when you insert all your data onto the computer. If I can achieve all of the above my project will be a success. Flowchart First the application forms are printed out. The club’s members are asked to fill them up. The information is then transferred to the pc by typing in. After typing in the information, check if it is reasonable. If no, an error message will appear and you have to type in the information again into the pc. If yes, check it against the data with the form. If mistakes appear again then you have to type it up again. Type till there are no mistakes and save the data. Go to mail merge and print off letters to the members. Software and hardware In this section I’m going to recommend the hardware and software to my end user in a swimming club. Examples: Hard drive, Ram, Monitor, Processor, Printer, etc. Components Justification Processor-Mid Allows the computer to operate lots of files without a long delay or loading Hard drive- Small Data base and spreadsheet won’t take out much space, so I will not need lots of memory in my hard drive. Ram- 256mb Only a small amount is needed because most work will not take up a lot of spaces. Monitor- Mid flat screen So that is looks professional and easier to work from. CD- RW So that I can store more data and back ups for emergency, i.e. Fire, lost, wet. Components Reason for choosing them Intel Pentium M processor 740 (1.73GHz, 2Mb L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB) Data can be operates quicker. Hitachi 60GB- Hard drive So data can be stored without any worries for spaces. Ram- 512MB DDR SDRAM Bigger memory for storing data. Monitor- 17.0 Ultra Sharp Wide Screen XGA (1440* 900) TFT Sharp It will not strain your eyes easily.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Economic Crisis: Solutions Essay

Global crisis is clearly felt nowadays, not only by third world countries but also by the richer and industrialized countries. Uprisings are recurring in different parts of the world by people who want change and a better life. Even in our country, the crisis is getting heavier each day. But then the real question is not the â€Å"what†, but more so, the â€Å"how†. How do we really resolve this problem? It is not unknown to us that the Philippines is in fact a country rich in natural resources. Even if the worst comes, we can certainly sustain our living on our own. But what is happening now? Why are we poorer than we were before? One of the problems is our relationship with the country: United States of America. They are currently exploiting both our natural and human resources. In addition to that, we are trying to bail them out from their economic crisis by paying our debt to them, in turn ignoring the needs of our own. The government now is trying to â€Å"lessen† our debt by paying them little by little. But then who is suffering? The people. Right now, the rich countries are continuously becoming richer, and the poor, poorer still. They are feeding off of us. The solution: cut our dependence to them. Some might that the US is the major source of investments in the country. But the effect is short term only. Once they pull out the capital that they invested, our economy would instantly run down the negative slope. So evidently, we can’t immediately cut our connection to them. I say we start off small at first. For one, the government could redistribute the lands of the landlords to the farmers because small scale industries are much of a help in our economy. And also by doing this, we are not giving the control to our agricultural economy to few people only. Second, major companies in the country should be mainly owned by the Filipinos. It gives the people jobs, the country higher internal revenue and we prevent them from over-exploiting our cheap human resources. Third, as a student and a scholar, academics should learn how to give back to our country. The youth and the intellectuals should be utilized in our own country, not abroad. We have enough bright minds here in the Philippines to device plans and start companies that may be beneficial to our economy. We can undoubtedly stand on our own. It is just that we were born on a mindset that we can never be independent. We can live without the help of the United States. There should be change, no matter how small it is. We should start on our own selves. A million small changes when combined can definitely make a large difference.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The term â€Å"animism† is defined as the belief of a life-force existing within non-human forms. In other words, according the this idea, non-human forms such as thunder, rocks and trees are possessed by spirits and souls. The term, first developed as â€Å"animismus† by chemist/physicist Georg Ernst Stahl in 1832, defined as the â€Å"doctrine that animal life is produced by an immaterial soul†, was reintroduced in 1871 by English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Taylor to be defined as the â€Å"theory of the universal animation of nature†. The mass majority of animistic belief systems holds that the soul within the non-human form will be able to survive physical death. It is believed in some systems that the soul must journey to pass through to an easier world. In other systems, it is said that the soul would remain on earth as a ghost. There are also situations where it would return to earth in order to avenge its death. If murdered, the spirit would either assist in discovering the identity of its murderer or wreak vengeance for itself. A widespread belief of those who die a violent death is that the soul would become a dangerous spirit and endanger the lives of those who approach the haunted area of the its death. In literature, animism is most often used in mythology and folklore. The myths and folklore generally contain a magical or spiritual sense to the story. An example would be of the tale of the Pontianak. The Pontianak is a type of vampire in Malay folklore and Indonesian mythology. It is said that a woman who has died during childbirth becomes undead, seeking revenge and terrorizes villages. The use of animism is applied because the Pontianak is not human and has a spirit within. Many Urarina myths apply animism into their myths by portraying plants, inanimate objects, and animals as personal beings. An example would be of a Urarina deluge-myth, a myth of a great flood sent by a deity to destroy civilization as a punishment. It is said that a man had saved himself from the flood by climbing a tree. The man's wife had transformed into a termites' nest and was clinging onto the tree and their two sons had transformed into birds. Though the man's wife and sons are not in their human bodies anymore, their souls are still intact within their new form. Therefore, this myth applies the use of animism.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mission and Vision Statement Essay

A mission statement is a formal short written statement of the purpose of the company or organization. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its over all goal, provide a sense of direction, and guide decision making. It provides the framework or context within which the company’s strategies are formulated. A mission statement talks about the present leading towards the future. Your mission statement may change, but it should still tie back to your core values, customer needs and vision. A vision statement takes into account the current status of the organization and serves to point the direction of where the organization wishes to go. As means of setting a central goal that the organization will aspire to reach, the vision statement helps to provide a focus for the mission of the corporation, business or non profit entity. A vision statement talks about your future. As your organization evolves, you might feel tempted to change your vision. However, mission or vision statements explain your organization’s foundation, so change should be kept to a minimum. What are the functions of mission statement? It lists the broad goals for which the organization is formed. Its prime function is internal; to define the key measure or measures of the organization’s success and its prime audience is the leadership, team and stockholders. What are the functions of vision statement? It lists where you see yourself some years from now. It inspires you to give your best. It shapes your understanding of why you are working here Purpose The mission statement guides the day-to-day operations and decision-making of the organization. It helps in tactical planning and â€Å"rallying the troops† around a common near- to medium-term goal. The mission statement helps members of the organization get on the same page on what they should do and how they should do it. The vision statement is, in a sense, loftier. It outlines the worldview of the organization and why it exists. It attracts  people — not just employees but also customers and vendors — who believe in the vision of the organization. What to Include in a Mission Statement When developing a mission statement, it should be seen that the following questions are answered: What do we do today? For whom do we do it? What is the benefit? Features of an effective mission statement are: Purpose and values of the organization What business the organization wants to be in (products or services, market) or who are the organization’s primary â€Å"clients† (stakeholders) What are the responsibilities of the organization towards these â€Å"clients† What are the main objectives that support the company in accomplishing its mission What to Include in a Vision Statement When developing a vision statement, it should be seen that the following questions are answered: What do we want to do going forward? When do we want to do it? How do we want to do it? Features of an effective vision statement include: Clarity and lack of ambiguity Describing a bright future (hope) Memorable and engaging expression Realistic aspirations, achievable Alignment with organizational values and culture Time bound if it talks of achieving any goal or objective

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Environmental Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Sustainability - Essay Example Additionally, moving science, research, educational and training precedence is an opportunity to support policy implementation of a green economy. New knowledge is essential for government policy makers, workers, professionals and the community. Another opportunity for policy implementation is the resource and land rights that preserve the interests of those with informal rights. The reason is that most governments favor mighty actors who are in a position to claim rights, and underline practical efficiency of resources allotment, ignoring other people who have special dependence on the resource in question. This is particularly decisive for guaranteeing rights to water and traditional lands (Harris, 2003, p 12). Creation of enabling situation for behavior and psychological change offers an opportunity for policy implementation. This entails framing environmental sustainability as a social objective, reducing choices towards greener methodologies, as well as, creating information to match with stakeholder approaches to learning. Finally, easing business to completely incorporate sustainability and equity concerns is another opportunity for implementing policy for sustainable development. This arises through provision of information and synchronizing research on latent opportunities, particularly to embrace the best available technologies and meet principles that enable technology access. Easing business also involves trade barrier reduction where possible, offering finances and public private partnerships that carve up perils and cover upfront overheads, as well as, enhancing accountability. However, some of the noteworthy constraints include local community attitudes and reluctance to accept some policies aimed at environmental sustainability. Conflicts may arise in relation to implementation of sustainable development in a

Managing Data Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing Data Assignment - Essay Example Explain your answer. The second workshop required us to divide ourselves into groups and analyze tabular data presented to us. The data determined the proposition of the population in different countries living on less than 50% of median income between 1990 and 2000. The countries were; Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Japan, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, and United States. The table was constructed showing: Human poverty index ranking, Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60 (% of cohort) 2000-05, People lacking functional literacy skills (% age 16-65) 1994-98 and Long-term unemployment (as % of labour force) 2001, against the given countries. The table’s author combined these discrete data figures to obtain the precise proposition of the studied subject. Such a method of displaying tabular data allowed for direct and correct filling in of the obtained data figures. This method of tabular data presentation was effective since it easily showed the entire figures collected on the required study topics against the specific countries. The second part of the workshop required us to explain and interpret the tabular data. One member of the group described the tabular data and we attempted to interpret and draw the table. We then looked at the actual table and compared it to the one that we had drawn from the description. In the third workshop we studied, the conventions of graphical representation. It included; designing, formatting, and choosing an appropriate graph type. This workshop had for tables of tabulated data. The first table was for household disposable income per head in 2003, with the index, UK=100. The data was as: Inner London - West 177.6, Leicester 78.8, Surrey 139.3 Kingston upon Hull City of 78.3, Buckinghamshire 133.1, Nottingham 77.4, Hertfordshire 128.0, Stoke-on-Trent 76.9, Outer London - West and North West 120.9, West and South West of Northern

Monday, August 12, 2019

Las Vegas, NV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Las Vegas, NV - Essay Example This essay describes the Las Vegas city. The researcher analyzes the city from various perspectives and states that as a destination, it is renowned for quality dining, shopping, and gambling. The city is most known for its casino-hotels and the entertainment associated with them. The 2010 census put the city’s population at 478,434, making it the twenty eighth most populous cities, in the United States. During the same period, its metropolitan area had a population of 1,951,269. Las Vegas was established as a city in the year 1911, just six years after its establishment. Its tolerance for adult entertainment earned it the moniker Sin City, making it a popular setting for TV programs and films. Las Vegas refers to the city plus some regions found beyond the limits of the city. Some of these beyond limit areas include the Las Vegas strip, resorts near it, and the Las Vegas Valley. Las Vegas, as a travel destination, is not for everyone. It is certainly not a destination for chi ldren, despite efforts at marketing it to families some time back. The streets, littered with handouts advertising companionship for women, act as a killer for family time. The researcher also mentiones that the artificial environment may make some feel uncomfortable. However, the climate during spring and fall is perfect for a vacation. Falling hotel occupancy also makes a visit to Las Vegas cost-effective. However, the researcher concluds that the gambling may cancel out that advantage, and as such one must be careful to spend wisely.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Publishing with contnet management systems Essay

Publishing with contnet management systems - Essay Example PowerPoint is a content management system and is employed for many tasks. It facilitates the users with publishing features. There are also rhetorical challenges that it offers to writers. Publishing with PowerPoint as a content management system facilitate the user with alterations in production and use of a document. The content management tasks performed by PowerPoint are content cutting, strong boundary-slides cutting, logical flow and many others related to STOP (Sequential Thematic Organization of Publications) document, Quick Scan, and Hypertext. The writers employ the technique of content cutting when they require fitting their text in a slide of PowerPoint. Content cutting can be seen as a rhetorical challenge to writers because they have to make sure that the content that is published is the most appropriate. Development of slides restricts the writers to use a minimized space for the display of their information. Writers and users of PowerPoint are also accommodated with strong boundary-slides cutting, which means that they are allowed to develop the slides according to their needs and requirements but they must display the information in an understandable manner that is easy for the readers to go through. Through logical flow, the writers are required to develop and publish slides in a manner that is logical. One idea or set of information displayed on one slide should have relevancy and flow with the next slides. The writers of slides face a challenge to manage the data and information in a logical flow. With STOP method of documentation of slides, the writers writing slides on PowerPoint can display more information in a single preview as two pages are attached and separated by means of a line. Nearly 350 to 1000 words can be displayed by means of STOP. The writers are challenged as to what kind of information and to which extent can they publish by means of STOP. Hypertext is a medium that allows the users and writers to publish their