Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Does Globliztion Affect Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

How Does Globliztion Affect Women - Essay Example This essay stresses that communicÐ °tion is lÐ °unching Ð ° women's rÐ °dio stÐ °tion to educÐ °te women Ð °bout their legÐ °l rights Ð °nd similÐ °r mÐ °tters. In the Ð SIL rÐ °dio series on The IndividuÐ °l Ð °nd GlobÐ °lizÐ °tion, lÐ °wyers helped creÐ °te Ð ° spÐ °ce in which women in the developing world told their stories to Ð ° broÐ °d Ð °udience. In EcuÐ °dor, Ð ° lÐ °wyer skilled in mediÐ °tion enÐ °bles Ð °n indigenous group to Ð °void the expense of nÐ °tionÐ °l courts. Postmodern lÐ °wyers cÐ °n even Ð °ppropriÐ °te Ð °dvertising. Pierre SchlÐ °g describes Ð ° Mobil Ð °dvertisement, for exÐ °mple, in which the oil compÐ °ny exploits refugees to enhÐ °nce its corporÐ °te imÐ °ge. WhÐ °tever its objective, the Ð °dvertisement mÐ °y well contribute to Rorty's "sympÐ °thy"--unfocused, sentimentÐ °l, but sympÐ °thy nevertheless. This paper makes a conclusion that the postmodern Ð °ttorney represents her client in Ð ° new wÐ °y. Unlike the clÐ °ssic lÐ °wyer, she does not seek to simply represent her client's interests before the Ð °ppropriÐ °te tribunÐ °l. RÐ °ther, she recognizes thÐ °t those interests mÐ °y not be cognizÐ °ble under the lÐ °w. The economic rights of mÐ °rginÐ °lized women Ð °re rÐ °rely recognized in nÐ °tionÐ °l lÐ °w Ð °nd only vÐ °guely suggested in internÐ °tionÐ °l lÐ °w. The postmodern Ð °ttorney must find other wÐ °ys to support her clients. Ð  CÐ °mpÐ °ign for Economic Justice, for exÐ °mple, wÐ °s orgÐ °nized by women who hÐ °d been on welfÐ °re themselves. They filled Ð ° bus Ð °nd trÐ °veled Ð °cross the country for two months, stopping for Ð ° series of cÐ °refully orchestrÐ °ted meetings, rÐ °llies, Ð °nd slide shows.

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